It is advisable for the woman to exercise regularly after treatment, as this helps relieve stress
Is bed rest necessary after an embryo transfer? That is the question that many women ask themselves after undergoing an embryo transfer. This question has been the subject of many recent studies, the results of which help shed a little light on the dilemma. The conclusion is that today, there is no evidence to suggest that bed rest increases the success rate of the treatment, even immediately after the embryo transfer. What is more, leading a normal life is the best option.
Years ago, women had to stay in bed for the first 24 hours. Most people believed that gravity could affect the embryo or move it from its position, and for this reason many women were in favour of absolute rest.
Today, many scientific studies have shown that there is no evidence that bed rest improves the results of the transfer. Furthermore, the women participating in those clinical studies who exercised normally after the embryo transfer obtained even better results in the implantation and gestation than those who rested, although this increase in results is not significant in statistical terms.
The myth about gravity is false
It is erroneous to think that gravity can affect the embryo’s possibility of becoming implanted. In most women, the womb is tilted forward which means that it adopts a more horizontal position if the woman is standing than if she is lying down –when the womb is more vertical. Moreover, many studies have been conducted in which ultrasound scans have shown, through the position of a bubble transferred together with the embryo, that there is no change in its location in the womb if the woman exercises or remains in a resting position for 15 minutes.
Relieving stress is the best recommendation
It is known that the woman undergoes great emotional stress immediately after the transfer takes place. For that reason, we think it best for the woman not to be alone: she must feel calm and be accompanied by her partner, a friend or a relative.
On the other hand, taking regular physical exercise during the treatment is a good way to help relieve stress. We can safely say that not only is it beneficial to lead a normal life after the embryo transfer, but it is also highly recommendable.
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1. Bed rest after embryo transfer: is it harmful? M. Küçük. Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, Adnan Menderes University, Turkey. November 2012
2. Ultrasonographic Evidence that Bedrest after Embryo Transfer Is Useless Marieke J. Lambers Cornelis B. Lambalk Roel Schats Peter G.A. Hompes. Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, VU Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. July 2009
3. Bed rest after embryo transfer Bin Li a, Hong Zhoua, Weihong Li. Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400038, China and Reproductive Medical Center, First affiliated Hospital, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400016, China. December 2010
4. Bed rest after embryo transfer negatively affects in vitro fertilization: a randomized controlled clinical trial Sharayu Gaikwad, M.D., Nicolas Garrido, Ph.D., Ana Cobo, Ph.D., Antonio Pellicer, M.D., and Jose Remohi, M.D. Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad Valencia and Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain. May 2013
5. Bed rest after embryo transfer: a randomized controlled trial Karen J. Purcell, M.D., Ph.D., Michael Schembri, M.S., Tracey L. Telles, M.D., Victor Y. Fujimoto, M.D., and Marcelle I. Cedars, M.D. Fertility Physicians of Northern California, San Jose and Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California. June 2007