Dr. Magda Carlas

Doctor and specialist in Dietetics and Nutrition

Eugin Barcelona
Dr. Carlas is a regular contributor to journals, the press and hosts a radio podcast.
Dr. Magda Carlas, Eugin's head nutritionist, has a degree in Medicine and Surgery, a postgraduate degree in Dietetics and Nutrition and a Master's degree in Food Science from the University of Pharmacy and Nutrition of Barcelona. She currently belongs to the nutrition department of the Eugin Clinic in Barcelona and combines her clinical work with medical dissemination.

About Dr. Magda Carlas

In addition, Dr. Carlas has published more than 15 books related to food and nutrition; she is a regular contributor to journals, radio and television programmes; she is an advisor to various food companies; a conference speaker; and a member of the Catalan Academy of Gastronomy and Nutrition. Contact us if you have any queries or need more information about reproductive genetics. Our multidisciplinary team of professionals will seek the best solution based on your needs.

Come and visit us

We would be delighted to meet you in person, show you around our facilities and introduce you to our expert team. Visit us at:

Eugin Barcelona

C/ Balmes, 236

Phone: +34 933 221 122

Suppliers and professionals: +34 934 446 303