What is Artificial Insemination (AI)2022-08-18T10:15:43+00:00
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Artificial Insemination

With Artificial Insemination (AI), we insert the sperm we selected from a sample into the uterus. The sperm can be from your partner (AIH) or from an anonymous sperm donor (AID). To increase chances of pregnancy, we hormonally stimulate the ovaries and control ovulation in order to know what the best time for insemination is.


Artificial Insemination with partner sperm

In Artificial Insemination with your partner’s sperm, we first select his sperm and then insert it into the uterus at the most appropriate time.


Artificial Insemination with Donor Sperm 

In Artificial Insemination with donor sperm we insert the sperm of an anonymous donor in the uterus.

DAI: Artificial Insemination using donor sperm

Artificial insemination by donor sperm is carried out with a sample from an anonymous donor who has been selected and has undergone a comprehensive study. It is a relatively uncomplicated technique and provides a cumulative rate according to age.

Under the age of 35

25 %
45 %
59 %

35 to 37

22 %
38 %
49 %

38 to 40

16 %
32 %
42 %

Over 40

10 %
21 %
37 %

Probability of pregnancy   After the first insemination After the second insemination After the third insemination

Probability of pregnancy  
After the first insemination
After the second insemination
After the third insemination

*Cumulative rate: estimated probability of pregnancy that would be obtained following 3 consecutive insemination attempts.

Positive BETA – hCG test result (>10UI/L) 14 days after the technique has been performed.
Data audited by Bureau Veritas for the period 2018-2020 at Eugin Barcelona

CAI: Artificial insemination using the partner’s own sperm

We will insert your partner’s previously selected sperm directly into your uterus at the most appropriate time in order to increase the chances of pregnancy.

Under the age of 35

15 %
30 %
44 %

35 to 37

17 %
32 %
51 %

38 to 40

16 %
22 %
41 %

Over 40

3 %
9 %
32 %

Probability of pregnancy   After the first insemination After the second insemination After the third insemination

Probability of pregnancy  
After the first insemination
After the second insemination
After the third insemination

*Cumulative rate: estimated probability of pregnancy that would be obtained following 3 consecutive insemination attempts.

Positive BETA – hCG test result (>10UI/L) 14 days after the technique has been performed.
Data audited by Bureau Veritas for the period 2012-2020 at Eugin Barcelona

FAQ about Artificial Insemination

Artificial Insemination is an Assisted Reproduction procedure that consists of inserting sperm into the woman’s uterus when she is ovulating.

Artificial Insemination consists of placing the sperm, previously selected from a sample, inside the uterus. The sperm can be from the partner (Conjugal Artificial Insemination or CAI) or from a sperm bank (Donor Artificial Insemination or DAI).

The semen is prepared in the laboratory, where the motile sperm is separated from the other components (seminal plasma and other cells). To increase the chances of pregnancy, the ovaries are hormonally stimulated and ovulation is controlled in order to know the best time to do the insemination.

The quality of the semen is a determining factor in the final result. If at the third or fourth attempt a pregnancy is not achieved, the change to more complex techniques such as In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) can be assessed, depending on the case.

Within Artificial Insemination there are two techniques: Conjugal Artificial Insemination (CAI) or Donor Artificial Insemination (DAI).

In Artificial Insemination using your partner’s sperm, we select your partner’s sperm and insert it into the uterus at the most suitable moment.

In Artificial Insemination using donor sperm, we place the sperm of an anonymous donor inside the uterus.

Artificial Insemination with donor sperm offers a greater chance of pregnancy than CAI because the sample comes from a selected donor who goes through a full screening process.

Artificial Insemination is the least complex treatment, and is usually performed up to the age of 40. This treatment offers optimal rates up until the third or fourth attempt.

The cost of the treatment varies depending on the procedure chosen, as well as whether it is complemented by other techniques. From approximately EUR 1,100 to EUR 1600.

The duration of an AI process depends on the technique chosen, as well as the number of attempts made until the treatment is successfully completed. Usually, an Artificial Insemination cycle takes between 14-18 days.

To give you more options for pregnancy, we stimulate the ovaries hormonally and control ovulation in order to know when the best time for insemination is.

We will inseminate your egg with your partner’s sperm in the uterus. This gives a probability of pregnancy of up to 41% after three complete cycles, which can vary depending on the patient’s age.

We will inseminate you with sperm from an anonymous donor in the uterus. This gives a 63% chance of pregnancy after three complete cycles, which can vary depending on the patient’s age.

The average number of attempts it takes to undergo treatment is between three and four. There is an increase in the effectiveness of the treatment at the optimal rates as these attempts are carried out.

From the age of 35, the reproductive potential of a woman’s eggs decreases rapidly.

Artificial Insemination is the least complex treatment, and is usually performed up to the age of 40. This treatment offers optimal rates up until the third or fourth attempt.

Conjugal Artificial Insemination is a treatment used when the sperm have difficulty reaching the uterus, if there are ovulatory alterations or if there is sterility of an unknown origin.

Artificial Insemination using donor sperm is used when the man suffers from hereditary diseases, is unable to produce sperm (testicular failure) or for women without a male partner or who are single.

Usually you are required to have permeable tubes and ideally be under 40 years of age. We need to know which treatment is best suited to you. That is why we will do your diagnosis, which takes between 2 and 3 hours.

We will study your case in order to provide you with a unique treatment.

It is a simple, painless process and very similar to any gynaecological check-up.

The treatment, but also the beginning of pregnancy, can cause pain, tiredness, breast swelling, fluid retention and light bleeding. This is neither a good nor a bad sign, but it is quite common.

Many women who are pregnant through natural means or using fertility treatments have these symptoms during the first 3 months of pregnancy: we recommend rest and living a quiet life.

We advise you to take the pregnancy test on the date specified by your doctor because if you take it too early, it may be negative when it would be positive at 2 weeks. You have to carry on with your hormone treatment until this date and you can only interrupt it after talking to the Eugin clinic medical team.

What is the best treatment for me?

If you still don’t know which treatment suits you best, we encourage you to do our online pre-diagnosis

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What is the best treatment for me?

If you still don’t know which treatment suits you best, we encourage you to do our online pre-diagnosis

Request an appointment