Starting assisted reproductive treatment today for 1 month, but only having to travel to Barcelona twice? Yes, this is possible at EUGIN Clinic
We make things it easy for you. We know how important this moment is for you and we want to make sure that the procedure is shorter, faster and as simple as possible.
To achieve this you will have a team at your disposal to attend to you 24 hours a day, even at weekends. You will have all the information you need at all times and in less than one month and with only two visits to our clinic, you will have completed your treatment.
You will remain in direct contact with the clinic from your home through your private area –a safe online space that only you can access – you will always have all the information about your treatment at hand and you will be able to carry out all manner of formalities and prepare your visits to the clinic.
The patients of EUGIN Clinic come from all parts of the world. Rest assured that you will be able to speak to us in French, Italian, German, English, Russian, Chinese or Japanese.
How does it work?
Is it possible to receive assisted reproductive treatment online? Yes it is, and only two visits are necessary. We’ll tell you how: First of all you can obtain a free pre-diagnosis and a customised estimate by visiting our website, If you decide to start treatment immediately you can request a first appointment at the centre through an online process. You decide on the day and time. No previous medical tests are necessary as you can have them done at the clinic during your visit.
On that day your doctor will inform you of the most suitable treatment in your particular case. If you have a partner they should accompany you during the visit. You will remain in the clinic for about two hours.
From then on your treatment will commence at home. The treatment lasts for about one month. During all this time we will always remain in contact with you and tell you what to do. If you like, our team will coordinate the whole procedure with your regular gynaecologist.
As in any medical treatment the correct application of the medication is a necessary condition to ensure the treatment is successful. It is simple and you will receive assistance. Eugin will ensure that you understand how it works and we will always be available to respond to you if you have any doubts.
Your second visit
When the time comes we will notify you so that you can organise your second and final treatment visit. During that visit the insemination, egg extraction or transfer process (depending on the case) will be carried out in Barcelona.
After a few hours you can leave the clinic and lead a normal life. This will be an especially important moment for you. From then on, nature will take its course and we will be there at your side to help you fulfil your dream.