Couples who undergo an egg donation treatment at Eugin can avail themselves of a donor with a matching blood type to theirs
Most couples undergoing assisted reproduction treatment by egg donation want to know if their child will resemble them. In accordance with the current legislation, the medical centre guarantees them the highest possible resemblance between their phenotypic characteristics —skin tone, eye colour, hair colour and type— and those of the egg donor. Those who also want the donor to have a compatible blood type to theirs may also make use of what is known as blood type matching.
“In this matching we try to ensure that the selected blood type is equivalent to the natural matching of the father and mother’s blood groups,” explains Dr. Clara Colomé, Assistant Medical Director at Eugin Clinic This natural correspondence refers to the blood group variants that the baby may have according to the parents’ blood type and Rh factor.
“From a pregnancy and birth point of view, except on very specific occasions, it is not relevant that the baby’s blood group coincides with the parents’, however, we will aim for it wherever possible,” says Marta Trullenque, who also works as a doctor at Eugin.
No waiting lists
Only the Assisted Reproduction centres with a large egg bank can offer the possibility of blood matching. This is the case with Eugin Clinic, which represents 10% of the egg donation treatments performed throughout Europe.
Eugin’s capacity and experience, which has had its own egg donation programme in operation for over fifteen years, greatly facilitates the search for genetic material most similar to each recipient. Thus, in a matter of days it is possible to settle on the matching process between donor and recipient, which speeds up the treatment’s progress and significantly reduces waiting times.
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