Double donation: IVF using egg and sperm donors
IVF treatment by donor eggs and donor sperm, also called double donation, is the fertilisation of the eggs of a donor with the sperm of a donor, both of whom are anonymous.
The first step in a double donation treatment is to select the donors. At Eugin, we base our selection on a greater physical resemblance to you and carry out a genetic matching between them in order to rule out more than 300 genetic diseases. This first step is key when seeking pregnancy through egg and sperm donation, as it involves carrying out a clinical and genetic study, as well as a physical matching with you and/or your partner.
In addition, for IVF using donor eggs and donor sperm, we will prepare your endometrium and carry out a follow-up. In the laboratory, we will fertilise the egg with the IVF-ICSI technique. For your peace of mind, we work with the Witness System for the safety and traceability of biological samples.
Double donation is used if you have problems with your ovaries, either because of your age or for unknown reasons. Sperm from a donor is used for a range of reasons
Step-bystep process in a double donation or IVF using egg and sperm donors
The most common assisted reproduction technique using donor eggs is In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF). In this technique, we fertilise an egg with a sperm outside the uterus, which gives a certified probability of pregnancy of up to 98%.
Before starting the treatment, we need to know which treatment is best suited to you, so we will make a personalised diagnosis of your case.
What is the egg donor selection process
of egg donors?
If you are considering egg donation treatment at Eugin,
here’s what you need to know about donors:
Donor selection criteria:
Aged between 18 to 34
Medical examination to confirm good physical and psychological health, as well as the absence of personal or family hereditary diseases.
Gynaecological examination and a full blood test to rule out anaemia, liver or kidney malfunction, high cholesterol or sexually transmitted diseases (HIV, Hepatitis B and C, syphilis, chlamydia or gonorrhoea) among others.
Karyotyping and genetic studies to rule out inherited genetic diseases.
Matching of the egg donor with the recipient:
Anthropometric study to achieve the greatest possible similarity in physical characteristics between the donor and the patient or her partner (if applicable).
Genetic matching. Analysis of over 300 serious genetic diseases (cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy, sensorineural deafness, thalassaemia, sickle cell disease, and others) to prevent the egg donor and the partner or sperm donor from sharing mutations in some of the genes studied.
Find out more about the Eudona egg donation programme
Eudona is the Eugin Group’s egg donation programme, and the largest in Europe.
- Over 15,000 donors
- 25+ years’ experience
- 70 nationalities represented among our donors
- First centre in Spain to implement screening for rare diseases in donors
What you need to know about egg donation:
Egg donation has been regulated in Spain since 1988 and current Spanish legislation in this field is considered one of the most advanced in Europe. As a result, Spain is the European country where the highest number of egg donation treatments are carried out.
Eugin accounts for 10% of all egg donation treatments in Europe, having more than 25 years’ experience in this complex treatment and with high pregnancy rates.
How do we do it in Eugin?
You will have a team of professionals around the clock for your own peace of mind. They will
share your wish and help you fulfil your dream of being a mother.
Our success rate is above 98% in all the treatments we have done so far.
We use state-of-the-art technology backed by science and applied by a team of high-level specialists.
We have brought 20,000 babies into the world in 25 years. We are a benchmark clinic in Europe.
We customize both the treatment and follow-up to your medical and personal needs. We are by your side 24 hours a day.
What does the treatment include?
In all our treatments you will be attended in a completely personalized and supportive way.
We will study your case and offer you the best possible treatment.
You will have as many visits and medical checkups as you need. We will be by your side at all times.
We will prepare your endometrium and monitor it carefully.
We carefully select the donor. We will do a clinical assessment and carry out a genetic matching with your partner in order to rule out over 300 genetic diseases, as well as a physical matching (phenotypic) to achieve the closest possible resemblance between the donor’s characteristics and yours.
In the laboratory, we will fertilize the eggs using the IVF-ICSI technique.
We will do the embryo transfer using the After Loading technique.
Embryo culture up to blastocyst stage (D+5) (at doctor’s discretion).
For your peace of mind, we work with a verification system called Witness, which enhances the security and traceability of biological samples.
We will do the pregnancy test and the verification ultrasound.
You will benefit from Embryoscope+ time lapse technology, which is a state-of-the-art incubator providing a huge improvement in monitoring the embryos’ development in the laboratory, before transferring them to the mother-to-be.
You will have all the medical and technological support needed for the treatment, as well as the emotional support you may need from our team. During the treatment you may go through some difficult times, but we will be there for you.
In your secure personal area you will be able to access all the documentation relating to your treatment, organize your appointments and contact your monitoring team at any time.
Success rates of double donation
(pregnancy with egg and sperm donation)
To find out what your chances of pregnancy are, check our success rates. After your visit with your doctor, they will confirm whether these chances correspond to your specific case. In IVF with egg donor, and after three cycles, the cumulative chance of pregnancy is 98%.
The probability of becoming pregnant increases with the number of transfers, reaching its maximum when all available transfers have been performed in three consecutive attempts or cycles.
Probability of pregnancy:
Cumulative rate 2nd and 3rd cycle: estimated probability of pregnancy that would be obtained upon carrying out 3 consecutive cycles. A cycle being regarded as the transfer of all the embryos generated.

Positive BETA – hCG test result (> 10 IU/L) 14 days after the embryo transfer.
Data audited by Bureau Veritas for the period 2018-2020 at Eugin Barcelona
How much does eggs
and donor sperm cost?
Get in touch with us and we will give you detailed information on the price of the double donation treatment. Also, our team will help you to find the best way to finance it to suit your needs.
The price corresponds to a standard IVF treatment using egg and sperm donation with guaranteed transfer of a blastocyst stage embryo and use of an incubator equipped with TimeLapse technology.Depending on the case, the treatment could be completed by other techniques, so the final price may vary. You can contact us and we will give you detailed information about the price of this treatment.
Patient testimonials and experiences
following egg donation treatments
“After two attempts with my own eggs, Eugin advised us to do IVF with donor eggs, so we followed their advice. Last week I had my first ultrasound. We still don’t know if it’ll be a boy or a girl, but what we do know is that, thanks to Eugin, it’ll be our baby”.
Alexandra y Maite
Eugin Medical Team
Dr. Alexandra Izquierdo
nº 284619787 ICOMEM
Eugin Madrid Medical Director
Dr. Daniel Mataró
nº 35691 COMB
Medical Director, Eugin Barcelona
Dr. Clara Colomé
nº 41924 COMB
Deputy Medical Director of Eugin Barcelona
Dr. Flavia Rodríguez
nº 47778 COMB
Gynaecologist specialising in Reproductive Medicine
Dr. Juan José Guillén
nº 29899 COMB
Dr. Anna Blázquez
nº 40804 COMB
Dr. Andreas Abraham
nº 43729 COMB
Dr. Alejandra González
nº 51137 COMB
Dr. Ana Bolívar
nº 282868901 ICOMEM
Gynaecologist specialising in Reproductive Medicine
Dr. Ana Gil
nº 57296 COMB
Dr. Ana Teresa Almeida Santos
Administrator and Scientific Coordinator
Dr. Anais Kilian
nº 57017 COMB
Dr. Antonio Piñera
nº 54225 COMB
Dr. Aurora Sánchez
nº 21727 COMB
Specialist in Clinical Genetics and Cytogenetics
Dr. Carlos Dosouto
nº 46705 COMB
Dr. Carlos Gasanz
nº 48443 COMB
Dr. Carolina Esteve
nº 35811 COMB
Dr. Elena Calvo
nº 48404 COMB
Dr. Elena Izquierdo
nº 282866949 COMB
Gynaecologist specialising in Reproductive Medicine
Dr. Esther Arango
nº 2868365 COMB
Gynaecologist specialising in Reproductive Medicine
Dr. Esther Valladares
nº 40725 COMB
Dr. Françoise Thepot
nº 46823 COMB
Dr. Gemma López
Reproductive Genetics Specialist
Dr. Giulio Timillero
nº 63962 COMB
Dr. Joaquim Sarquella
nº 26719 COMB
Dr. Laura Rodríguez
nº 181812441 COMB
Gynaecologist specialising in Reproductive Medicine
Dr. María Calomarde
nº 282863855 ICOMEM
Gynaecologist specialising in Reproductive Medicine
Dr. María Jesús López
nº 41819 COMB
Dr. María Jesús Puy
nº 49431 COMB
Dr. María Suárez
nº 46425 COMB
Dr. Marina Vilardell
nº 47099 COMB
Dr. Marta Trullenque
nº 36099 COMB
Gynaecologist specialising in fertility and reproductive medicine
Dr. Patricia Muro
nº 56450 COMB
Dr. Raffaele Rosania
nº 61037 COMB
Dr. Ricard Vidal
nº 18170 COMB
Dr. Sergio Cabanillas
nº 54780 COMB
Dr. Silvia Ferrero
nº 35820 COMB
Come and visit us
We would be delighted to meet you in person, show you around our facilities and introduce you to our expert team. Visit us at:
Eugin Barcelona
C/ Balmes, 236
Phone: +34 933 221 122
Suppliers and professionals: +34 934 446 303
Eugin Madrid
C/ Alfonso XII 62, Pl. Baja A
Phone: +34 913 360 400
Suppliers and professionals: +34 934 446 303