Conceiving is no easy task. We’d like to banish a few myths
Silvia’s friends told her that if she stayed still after sexual intercourse, she would have a better chance of getting pregnant. Marta was told that her chances of having a girl or a boy depended on the day of her month cycle on which she had maintained sexual relations. Neither of these two beliefs is based on scientific evidence. So how is it possible to become pregnant without having to use these so-called miracle methods?
The first thing to bear in mind is that humans have one of the lowest reproduction rates of all species on earth. Only 17% of women at a fertile age with no medical problems are likely to become pregnant and only 25% of these will do so within the first month. These chances are reduced even more if the woman is aged over 35.
The truth is, it’s not easy to get pregnant. Here are some false myths and beliefs that have no scientific grounds:
– A woman can get pregnant if she has sexual intercourse very frequently.
False. Under normal conditions, semen needs about two days to recover its concentration and mobility, and for this reason it is best to have sexual relations every other day.
– The gender of the child depends on the day of the woman’s monthly cycle
At present, there is no scientific evidence to prove this. Since the sperm can remain active in the woman’s body for several days, it is practically impossible to know the exact day on which the egg is fertilised.
– There are different postures that increase the chances of getting pregnant
If the sperm is unable to come into contact with an egg, there is no magic posture that will achieve this. However, it is true that a woman’s contractions during orgasms will facilitate that passage.
Don’t be alarmed unnecessarily and seek professional advice
Some couples manage to conceive during the first month, but they are in the minority. Many couples take between two and three months, and the vast majority (up to 85%) have to wait up to a year before they receive good news. Considering these times, there is not need to be alarmed or seek magic potions. If there is no particular problem, nature will take its course and the woman will conceive in her own sweet time.
So how can one know whether a fertility problem exists? Above all, the woman’s age should be considered: from the age of 35, the eggs start to lose their reproductive capacity and therefore the chances of becoming pregnant are smaller. Above that age, after trying for six months without success, it is advisable to visit a specialist to rule out fertility problems which could exist in the woman, the man or both.
Today, the developments achieved in the field of Assisted Reproduction have allowed thousands of women to fulfil their dream of being mothers. The latest artificial insemination or in vitro fertilisation technologies have converted this possibility into a reality, within a much shorter time than with natural methods.