Eugin Promise2024-06-20T06:52:49+00:00

Eugin Promise, the guarantee your dream needs

With our Eugin Promise guarantee program, we ensure you have your baby, or we will refund 100% of your treatment cost. Request appointment

IVF Promise and Ovodonation Promise:
guaranteed IVF package

Eugin Promise is a comprehensive program that includes the necessary techniques and tests to start your treatment and achieve your pregnancy. Trust us, together we will make your dream come true.

Promise IVF with your own eggs

  • For women up to 37 years old
  • With your own eggs
  • We guarantee you will have your baby, or we will refund 100% of your treatment cost.
More information

Promise IVF with donor eggs

  • For women over 37 years old
  • With donor eggs
  • We guarantee you will have your baby, or we will refund 100% of your treatment cost.
More information

Contact Form

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Please let us know what day and time you would like us to call you to arrange your visit. *

* In order to properly process your request, we need all fields to be filled

In Eugin we take your privacy very seriously, and of course, strict compliance with the Data Protection Law. The information is only used in the context of your treatment. Our computer system has the most secure encryption protocols, and complies with the demanding ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 standard.

What Eugin Promise includes ?

  • Opening of the clinical file, evaluation, and decision on the procedure to be applied.

  • Basic tests needed to start your treatment.
  • Retrieval of own or donor eggs in the operating room.
  • Selection of egg and/or sperm donor with phenotypic matching, if applicable.
  • Donor eggs and/or sperm, if applicable.
  • Genetic matching and carrier screening test, if applicable.
  • Genetic counseling by a specialist if necessary.
  • IVF-ICSI + embryo culture.
  • Prolonged culture to blastocyst stage (D+5/D+6).
  • EmbryoScope+ (incubator with Time-Lapse technology).
  • Monitoring of endometrial preparation and follow-up.
  • Embryo transfers until the baby is born.
  • Vitrification of embryos.
  • Free maintenance of biological material until you have your baby at home.
  • Pregnancy blood test at Eugin.
  • Pregnancy verification ultrasound at Eugin.
  • Psychological support throughout the entire process.
After several unsuccessful attempts at other clinics in the UK, we found Eugin and their pregnancy guarantee program. It was a relief to know that we had a 100% guarantee of having our baby at home. The clinic team provided exceptional support from our first consultation throughout our pregnancy. Their professional care and understanding made us feel secure and always understood. I am deeply grateful to Eugin for making our dream come true—little Sarah is now home. Susan and Albert

Why choose Eugin?

Leaders in Egg Donation

Leaders in Egg Donation

We were pioneers in implementing this treatment and since 2010, we have helped over 34,000 women become mothers. We offer very competitive prices and, thanks to our own donation programme, we take care of the donors on a personal basis – now with over 15,000 donors from more than 70 countries.

International recognition

International recognition

We have been carrying out innovative assisted reproduction treatments for more than 24 years, and we are also recognised for our medical excellence and our work in scientific research.

Multi-disciplinary and English-speaking team

Multi-disciplinary and English-speaking team

We have professionals who speak your language and are experts in different areas of health: physicians, embryologists, psychologists, R+D+I specialists and many others. This enables us to offer you the best possible service.

We adapt to you

We adapt to you

The wellbeing of our patients comes first. We listen to your needs, study your case and offer you a personalised solution and specialised treatment that suits you. We have no waiting lists, so you choose when to start.