Artificial Insemination in couples not residing in Barcelona

Published: 17 March 2017|Last updated: 9 March 2022|

There are several Assisted Reproduction centres but few of them have the experience and protocols that can help patients who do not live in the same city as the clinic. In Barcelona, Eugin has been a pioneering centre in developing and applying distance treatment coordination. The process consists of using new communication technologies for regulated procedures.

Even if the final stage of an Assisted Reproduction treatment such as Artificial Insemination or IVF-ICSI- always takes place in Barcelona, in specific cases the main part of the study and hormone preparation of the woman can be effectively carried out in her hometown or area.

The procedure is coordinated via the Internet or by post, allowing many non-resident women to take advantage of Assisted Reproduction Techniques in a more comfortable and effective way as well as to reduce the cost of the treatment as they do not have to travel to the clinic more than is absolutely necessary.

A series of detailed results and additional tests are necessary. Very often they can be obtained in the patient’s hometown in collaboration with her GP or a specialist.

Gynaecological checks with a recent cytology can be carried out in Barcelona on the first appointment.

Blood tests are required for precise pre-conception evaluation. They consist of a complete hemogram, hepatic and renal biochemical tests, serologies (HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HC, rubella, lues), blood group and Rh. The test results can be brought from the patient’s hometown given that they are less than six months old.

Hormone analysis is taken on the third day of the menstrual cycle (FSH, LH and 17 β-Estradiol). If this falls on a holiday, it can be taken between the second and the fifth day of the cycle. This test is essential when an endocrine alteration is suspected.

A hysterosalpingography is carried out between the eighth and the twelfth day of the cycle. It can be done in the patient’s hometown.

    • First appointment
      This first consultation focusses on the technique that will be carried out. It is very important and takes place in Barcelona. If it is impossible to make the first visit to Barcelona, then a video conference appointment can be organised. During this first visit the doctor will evaluate the patient’s case and plan the follow-up.
      Taking into account the available results and the information received on the first appointment, the doctor will indicate the necessary additional tests that need to be done in order to complete the case study and schedule the following appointments.
      If any anomaly is detected as a result of the study, the case will be evaluated in more depth in order to confirm that Artificial Insemination is the appropriate course of action for the patient. This study can be coordinated by the patient’s gynaecologist, who will communicate with EUGIN via the Internet.
    • Cycle check-up
      Once it has been decided to begin the treatment, or when the case study has been completed, the woman calls EUGIN on the first or second day of her period in order to confirm the procedure and the hormonal dosage that needs to be followed. As a rule, the treatment begins on the third day after the menstrual cycle starts.
      We then inform you of when the next visit with the gynaecologist, or the ultrasound professional in your hometown, will take place. This will be approximately 4-5 days after the hormonal treatment begins. During this visit, you will have to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound in order to control the ovarian response and a hormonal blood test (to find out LH, oestradiol and progesterone levels). Depending on the results, we will indicate the date of your next check-up. In order to do so, the patient contacts EUGIN by phone.
      Once the results show the suitable ovarian response the insemination will be scheduled. It will take place in Barcelona 2-3 days after the last ultrasound scan.
    • Second visit: Insemination Day
      On the insemination day, if you are using frozen sperm (donor or partner) you will attend the clinic 30 minutes before the fixed appointment (there is no need to come on an empty stomach). If you were to use fresh sperm, your partner will have to come to the clinic 2 hours before the fixed appointment.
      The doctor will run through the results obtained throughout your cycle, will answer questions, and will explain how the procedure works. The technique is usually quick and painless. After the insemination you will be asked to rest for 10 minutes and you may head home on the same day (whether by plane, car, boat or train).





With Artificial Insemination (AI), we insert the sperm cells we have selected from a sample into the uterus. They can be from your partner (AIH) or from an anonymous sperm donor (AID). In order to provide more options for pregnancy, we hormonally stimulate the ovaries and control ovulation in order to know the best time for insemination. Artificial insemination is the least complex treatment and is usually performed up to the age of 40. This treatment offers optimal rates up to the third or fourth attempt. Also, artificial insemination by means of donor sperm offers a greater chance of pregnancy than AIH because the sample comes from a selected donor, on whom we carry out a comprehensive study. In any case, before starting the treatment, we need to know which one works best for you, and for this reason we will make a diagnosis. Schedule your first medical visit and clear up any doubts you may have.

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