EUGIN Clinic is formed by a perfectly coordinated team of more than 200 professionals who are passionate about their work
“An assisted reproduction clinic is expected to help persons fulfil their dream of having children and to listen to them, support them and understand them”. This is how Juli Fernández, HR Director at Eugin Clinic describes the principal motivations of the clinic.
“Our job requires sensitivity and a natural ability to establish a relationship of trust with each patient in order to achieve maximum empathy”, says Fernández, and concludes: “Our team is trained to provide the best therapy for each patient and to offer them support during the whole process”.
If we had to draw a profile of the personnel who work at the Clinic, we would describe them as people with outstanding human, technical and emotional qualities who are responsible, proactive and flexible. “The Eugin professionals are known for their participative attitude and evident empathy, and their enormous implication in each project” says Eugin’s HR Director.
Proximity, personalisation and privacy
Juli Fernández, RH Director at Eugin
All our patients receive personal care and ongoing support. Fernández sums up the situation in the following words: “Our work methodology helps increase that proximity and our experience with hundreds of patients allows us to improve day by day. We are not perfect, but we make every effort to do things better”.
Each patient is assigned a team of four staff members who are familiar with all the details of each case. That means we are available 24 hours a day, even at weekends.
Ensuring the privacy of our patients is one of our priorities and for this reason we apply the strictest security protocols in all our communications. “The Eugin staff strives to be as honest as possible, adopting a positive, optimistic attitude, but without creating false hopes”, explains Fernández.
The opinions of our patients
“We do everything we can to improve and every day, we submit ourselves to the scrutiny of our patients. The results are good and our patients have given us 9 out of 10 for global satisfaction. That fills us with pride and encourages to improve our work even more”, he concludes.